Left front government in the state are earning the displeasure of all classes of population, excluding the burgeosie. Muslims are no exception, in reality, their sense of deprivation has commenced much earlier. Sachar report has added to the disgust.In an attempt to mitigate the distrust and disgust, the left front have taken a few faltering steps, recently. Some other steps were perceptible earlier too, in the name of upliftment of muslims. But are the LF really sincere, do they desire muslim upliftment? The steps said to have been taken, and those programmes announced in this regard, when subjected to scrutiny, incurs grave doubt as to the ultimate utility of such programmes in the cause for which they are reportedly designed.
Let us survey the earlier steps in this regard. Principal steps are: (1) Proscribing books by Taslima Nasreen; (2) Preventing Taslima from reading out her poetry in a cultural get together at Medinipur (3) Preventing Taslimafrom inaugurating a book fair at Siliguri; (4) Banish Taslima from Calcutta; (5) Elevate the Kolkata Aliya Madrasa to Alia University; (6) Formation of a separate Madrasa Service Comission etc. New bunch of programmes, that our kind(?) government has taken in hand are, (a) Bringing unrecognised 400 madrasas in to recognised category; (b) establish 300 new madrasas; (c)Establishment of 300 madrasa training centres; (d) Introduction of “Fazil” course in 10 senior madrasas; etc. Very large budgetery grants have been provided for funding these, in the current year.
It does not merit reiteration, how inhuman and undemocratic and reproachable the steps taken by the government in respect of Taslima. There is no scope of any doubt or misunderstanding, that the steps are for paliating and appeasing the mullahcracy, and have no contribution in the upliftment of the muslim have nots. Elevation of Alia madrasa into the label of Alia University is also for the satiation of demand by mullahcracy. Madrasa education board and the creation of such institution suffers the same label. These last two concessions have been conceded for the pleasure of muslim fundamentalists, exclusively- and these make no impact on the toiling and struggling masses. Formation of the Alia University has not been planned with prior infrastructure, and no provision exists to impart modern education. Thus, Alia madrasa's conversion into Alia University renders no special benefit, except for the fact, that more and more people may find encouragement in obtaining religious instruction and thus inflate the number of unemployables in modern industry and commerce and inflate the number of mullahcracy, and the creation of a new class of oppressors in the name of religion. The formation of the Madrasa Service Comission, will also serve the same end and the bulk of the muslim masses will be made to carry a larger burden of social parasites. It is perceived, that a very small fraction of youth may benefit, but the lowering the standard of education will debilitate the society, further. It is known, that higher education is scarce amongst the muslims, (graduates-only 3%), thus getting to fill madrasa teachers will be difficult. Last year, all vacant positions could not be filled, due to paucity of suitable candidates. Therefore, formation of madrasa service comission, will harm the muslim society, rather than helping it.
Professed extensive project in expansion of madrasa education of the left front government will be a precursor to the generation of extreme disadvantage of the muslim community, in stead of benefit. The reason is that, the madrasa education is a relic of the dark middle ages. This system appears to enforce a belief, that, sum total of all knowledge was delivered, and the knowledge bank was complete, when the last trip of Gibreel was over. Subsequent fourteen centuries have shown no advancement of knowledge. Sun still sets in a muddy pond(Al-Kahf, 18:86), further, “We had encompassed [all] that he had in knowledge (Al-Kahf, 18:91).Worldwide backwardness of the muslim community may safely be deemed to have arisen from the community's adherence to madrasa education system. Madrasa education consists of impartation of religious education and this system is against modern education. This system is a great barrier to the progress and advancement of the muslim community. This confirms our premonition, that, the attempt at emphasizing madrasa education is aimed, solely at the satiation and paliation of the mullahcracy, to aid increase of their tribe, and is not designed for the progress and development of the muslim community at large. This is further designed to keep the community away from the mainstream of the world's progress.
Muslim participation in government services is woefully low. In this state, it is even lower than the national average, which is poor enough. Muslim fundamentalists, of course, propagate, that, the indifference of the governments is responsible for this.This assertion is not correct. Participation in higher education, by muslims is abysmally low, which is the main reason for this low incidence of muslim employment in government services. Table, below,showing students in education, will prove:
Year 2001 %Muslim %SC/ST %Other castes
Primery 50.30 54.40 80.40
eightth class 26.0 29.90 ( ?)
Madhyamic 11.90 13.10 38.00
Graduate 03.0 03.50 32.40
Muslim fundamentalists hold the government, specially, the left front government for this crass backwardness of the community. Many of the muslim society also share this canard. But, truth to tell, the muslim backwardness is universal. Thus, any government indifference cannot be the cause of this. Deep self analysis and self criticism is necessary to locate the genuine reasons for this universal malady. Development of human society, and progress calls for progressive thought, adoption of modern thought and education, and admit the social developments and scientific thought and follow these modern precepts. The muslim society has been captivated in ancient Shariatic thought and precepts, turning their back on modernism, and progress. That this retrogressive stance, is the creation of mullahcracy, needs not be reiterated. It is for the development of mullahcracy, that the muslim society is in the blind alley of sharia laws,sharia culture and shariatic education, and perpetuation of this maze is created by madrasa education. They have been at it since long.Let's examine their past performance, the mullahcracy's.
They had declared 'black' fatwa in British India, against introduction of modern education. In 1826,1829 and in 1837, few muslim thought leaders attempted introduction of english education in the Alia Madrasa. Strong opposition of the mullahs, this was prevented.In 1826, the Alia Madrasa first introduced a medical college-Mullahcracy strongly opposed and nipped it in the bud. Muslim fundamentalists declared fatwa, insisting that education with “human skeleton” is contra to shariat. They had dubbed the project of initiating a medical college, at Alia madrasa, as a British conspiracy against Islam. The “jihad” declared against modern education, by the then clergy of islam, is continued by their inheritors. They still are shrill in demanding expansion of retrogressive madrasa education and in dislocating modern education for the muslim masses.
The brotherhood of mullahs and Muftis, solelyresponsible for the damage to the genius of the muslims, are funnily enough, the loudest in accusing governments of indifference and consequent backwardness of the muslim community.These religious leaders are now demanding job reservation for muslims.This is a very sensitive issue, and it influences the muslim community. But this militates against the principle of secularism and humanistic ideals, and is likely to benefit an infinitesimal section of the community. 25.2% of the population of the state are muslims,containing 3% graduates, even total employment of all graduates in government jobs, will amount to what advancement of the muslim community? If job reservation is announced in proportion to population, could the muslim community provide candidates to all such positions? Hence the 'jihad' against modern education, actively pursued by the mullahs and their claim for proportional job reservation are contrary acts and absurd. This dichotomy is nothing but deception to the masses and specially, the muslim community. Since almost the founding of Islam, such dichotomy and deception has been rampant.
The role of left front government is qually deceptive. It has been, earlier, shown, how the government complied with the demands of the mullahs,successively. Strangely enough, this self same government claims, that, in the whole country, they are the sole muslim friendly, sympathetic entity! The relationship between mullahcracy and the muslim society are dialectic. The left front are apparently strengthening the mullahcracy. Mullahs want religious education, the society needs modern education; Mullahs demand undemocratic muslim personal law,like polygamy,easy talaq etc. While the masss demand reform; mullahs want that women be interned at home and in Hijab, the society opines against; Mullahs want to rule in the name of Allah,and exclusive islam(with themselves as interpreters and enforcers) while the society calls for democracy and multiculturism. In every aspect of life is the contrariness expnding. Left front is consistently, partial and supportive to the mullahs, some times overt, sometimes covert, sometimes silently, sometimes loudly. But their specious unsubstantiated claim is that they work fervently and constantly in favour of the benefit of the minorities. This is crass deception to the muslims. Given genuine desire of upliftment of the muslim self-inflicted backwardness, the government could have done a lot. This dissertation is not meant to enumerate them. But, in the field of higher education, the neglect and damage suffered by the students of the community, and the scope of help, the government could have offered, can be briefly viewed. Mullahcracy's drag of the society against higher education has already been discussed, but the indifference of the government has accentuated this disadvantage, manifolds, through government indifference.Financial inadequacy, hasrendered it difficult for the muslim students using non-resident education, staying in hostels. But, fact remains, that, the number of institurions of higher learning, are few and far between in muslim populated areas. The subject of muslim students hostel is a street less travelled than any, and less said about it the better. Amongst the muslims in West Bengal, 40% are domiciled in Murshidabad, Maldah and north Dinajpur districts. In these three districts, the muslims represent 63.7%, 49.7% and 47.4% respectively, of the total population. Compared to the other districts, these three districts have been denied access to education from primery to university levels, in an unprecedented manner. This matter has been dealt with, in a detailed manner, in my article,'Left front regime in West Bengal appeased the Mullahcracy,consequently, the muslims have not only been deprived but also deceived'. The apathy of the government in providing modern education facilities in muslim populated areas, the wilful discrimination and neglect has shrunk, the already scarce avenues of progress, opportunities of the muslim populace.In this state, reservation of seats for higher education are 34% (SC-22%, ST-6%, OBC-6%). The government, in stead of broadening avenues for higher education for muslims, are lavishing grants for establishment of more and more new madrasaa, which will further shrink avenues for enlightenment through modern education and thus restrict their employability.The government appears to be bringing on this disaster willingly on the muslims. The policy of the government apparently consists of appeasing and stoking the hold of mullahcracy on the muslims, and NOT upliftment and progress of the community in bringing them into the mainstream of the nation. Prevalent maxim seems to confirm the principle, that, “a contented mullahcracy will railroad the muslim votes into the left ballot box”. This is a fallacious principle, but the left front leadership is chasing this mirage to self destruction and dragging the muslims along.
It is idle to attribute this falacy on left front alone, the opposition, too, are frantic about satiating the mullahcracy. The maxim is- “ whatever you can do-I can do better”. A meanminded competition is perceptible, in comparative appeasement of mullahcracy between the ruling and the opposition parties. The opposition is curiously silent, when the rulers pile up undemocratic,inhuman torture on tasleema. Muslim fundamentalists had unleashed vandalism at the residence of Morselim, in protest against an article published by him, callet “Satyamithyya”. The editor of the host of the article had also been visited by the same misfortune. Government failed to provide protection against this mayhem and violence, nor did the perptrators riceive retribution. Opposition was conspicuously silent and inactive. Further, a communal organisation, like Madrasa Chhatra Sangathan, in their public function, found Kum. Mamata Bannerjee, gracing the podium. Imam of Tipu Sultan Masjid, Maulana Noor Muhammad Barkati almost always sprouts communal poison. He had publicly declared fatwa urging the killing of Tasleema. He was found to have added glamour to the platform where Mamata devi was offering “Dharna”. These spectacles left the left front and SUCI free from reaction. All these facts demonstrate the confirmation of the feeling, that the “Real programme of all political parties is the paliation and appeasement of mullahcracy, to ensure muslim votes, and that, none of them are real friends and benefactors of the muslims”