Tuesday, December 18, 2012

No difference between left and right in question of appeasement with mullahcracy

Khaleda and Buddhadeb queue up in appeasement of Mullahcracy

Prime minister, Khaleda Zia of Bangladesh adopted a mean and cruel instance of inhuman approach to banish Taslima Nasreen from her native land, in perpetuity, which was repeated by the allegedly culture minded chief minister of West Bengal. The government of Khaleda encouraged the fundamentalist fringe in a secret manner to excite the public mind to a frenzy, through unrestrained foul propaganda and hate and followed it up with the cry of “Off with Taslimas head” like the Queen of cards in Alice children classic, and filled the streets of Dhaka with mayhem and violence. Khaleda could not find any offense in the foul propaganda of the fundamentalist crowd, or in the fatwas of decapitation or in the ferocious violence unleashed by the Mullahs.She held Taslima guilty of provocation.Subsequently arrogated all the onus of disturbance on Taslima and in the guise of safety of Taslima, banished her from the land of her birth and work. Strangely, in West Bengal too, the same drama was staged.
Khaleda deed was on expected lines but, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee's action did the unexpected, because, the political party, to which he appeared to belong, the CPM had in the past exhibited unalloyed secularism.In this instance, the part played by the Party and it's government was deplorable.This government forced the unfortunate Taslima into a flight bound for Rajasthan in the guise of safety and subsequently, arranged for the police to propagate, that she, Taslima, has left of her own volition- it may be noted, that, the CM is also the minister for police.The chosen destination Rajasthan, a then BJP ruled state was loaded with motive to denigrate Taslima further in the attempt of bringing her secular thought to be besmirched. Surprising that, such meanness can be exhibited in attempt to exculpate themselves and to blacken others at the same time. After a few days of the incidence, Taslima reiterated, that, she did not leave kolkata of her own will and that, she looks forward to return to kolkata. Needless to say, nobody was taken in by the hateful action and camouflage and propaganda of Buddhadeb babu and his cohorts.In 2005 itself, Buddhababu had informed the central government that, they did not approve of Taslima's permanent stay at kolkata. Dainik Statesman had highlighted a news item in this regard on 14-3-2005.
Subsequent to the Babri Masjid episode, the ferocious torture,excesses and violence that was unleashed upon the Bangladesh minorities ( Hindus) had found mention in Taslima's novel “LAJJA” and this enraged the Muslim fundamentalist fringe to a furious level. The secular forces should have congratulated Taslima for her boldness in bringing the shame to light.Wonder of wonders, the CPM leadership merged their voice with the Muslim fundamentalists! Since this time, Buddhababu and his cohorts used Taslima as the proverbial sacrifice for appeasement of the Muslim fundamentalist fringe in attempt to placate the vote bank that, according to them, sways to the tune of the Mullahcracy.
In the Muslim dominated pockets of Murshidabad and Maldah,the followers of Buddhababu faced landslide defeat in the Panchayet election. Thus, to regain lost ground, Buddha acceded to the Muslim fundamentalist demand and banned Taslima's “Dwikhandito” and robbed the freedom of speech of Taslima. Even this did not bring relief,the CPM failed to win three seats in Murshidabad and one in Maldah. In spite of this, their new find enthusiasm in placating the Muslim fundamentalist fringe did not abate. On 30-4-2005, a cultural group “Swar O Abritti” had extended an invitation to Taslima. The Muslim fundamentalists roared, that Medinipur will have bloodbath if Taslima makes an appearance. The government led by Buddhababu immediately complied and forced the function to be abandoned. Last BOIMELA at Shiliguri in its inauguration found Taslima as an invitee, kneejerk roar of the Muslim fundamentalists fetched faithful compliance of Buddhababu's cohorts in excluding Taslima from the function. Buddhababu, the alleged secularist,found it convenient to choose Mullahcracy over the secular and face of feminism Taslima. Consequently, Buddhababu and his cohorts have finally done the expected, and expelled Taslima from West Bengal.
The unholy alliance, that was covertly being perpetrated, between CPM and the Muslim fundamentalist fringe, was shamefully unveiled on21-11-2007. The Mad fringe spent the whole day in unprecedented violence, arson and mayhem on the avenues of Kolkata to demand cancellation of visa of Taslima, the day ended in Mr. Biman Bose in echoing the same. In the name of religion, the miscreants attacked the police, burnt buses and trams,held the whole city of kolkata at ransom but the police of “Singur-Nandigram fame of tolerance” exhibited exemplary forbearance (Buddha police is not well known for forbearance in people's movement). Again, the same ferocious fundamentalists showed extreme pacifism and forbearance when at the end of the day, when Exhaled Biman Bose led a peace procession through the desecrated locality. Fundamentalists are free to carry out unlimited violence and arson and the police will forbear, and when Biman Babu leads peace procession, the fundamentalists will forbear- what a peaceful co-existence! An example of creative understanding and coexistence. The next day found Taslima extruded out of kolkata. One ugly script and a contemptible effort at direction of the theater of Taslima expulsion. The government of Buddhadev had earlier conspired Taslima expulsion also. Pliant Lalbazar police brass were induced to threaten Taslima, but this attempt did not succeed.The mode and the fact of ejecting Taslima from kolkata was not only undemocratic,inhuman and illegal, but was contrary to Bengal's, especially Kolkata's culture, and tradition. During the twenties and thirtys of the previous century, the Muslim fundamentalists had persecuted Quazi Abdul Wadud, Quazi Motahar Hussein, poet Abdul Kader, Abdul Hussein and other Muslim intellectuals, by declaring them as enemies of Islam and kafir and forced and humiliated them to publicly rub their nose on the ground, consequently these intellectuals left Dacca and sought asylum at Calcutta for self preservation. Calcutta had offered safety and honour.
After partition in 1947, Said Mujtaba Ali, noted literateur, and then principal of Bogura College had to forsake the then East Pakistan and seek asullum at Calcutta. His assertion, that the poesy of Rabindra Nath Tagore was superior to that of Iqbalenraged the Muslim fundamentalists, who reacted by declaring Ali as pall bearer of Hindus and atheist and attacked him to cause bodily harm. 1971 freedom struggle of East Pakistan, presaged the entry of over 10 million refugees who crossed over to save themselves from the brutality of muslim fundamentalists and Pak soldiers. 90% of these were affectionately accomodated in Calcutta and west bengal. This is the nature and culture of Kolkata and west bengal.Persons displaced from Dacca by muslim fundamentalists and fanatics have found refuge. Earlier, Raja Rammohan Ray and Eashwarchandra struggled for social change, which enraged the Hindu fundamentalists, but none sought their decapitation or expel them out of their hearth. The joint action of the CPM in cohort with the muslim fundamentalists and expelled Taslima from Kolkata has besmirched the fair name of Kolkata as an asylum of the progressive.Kolkata did react, but the magnitude of exhibition of displeasure was disproportioned.This belied the Kolkata culture.

(N.B.  This  was written in Bengali when Taslima Nasrin was exiled from Kolkata by the left Govt. in 2007)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

খালেদার ভারত সফরে ভারত ও বাংলাদেশের মধ্যেকার সম্পর্কের উন্নতি হবেনা


কয়েকদিন আগে বাংলাদেশের বিরোধী দলনেতা তথা বিএনপির সভানেত্রী চিন ঘুরে আসলেন ।সেদেশে গিয়েছিলেন চিনের সরকারের  আমন্ত্রণে। চিন ঘুরে এসেই ভারত সরকারের আমন্ত্রণে তাঁর ভারত সফর ইদের (ইদ-উল-আজহা) পরের  দিন থেকেস্বভাবতই খালেদা জিয়ার ভারত সফর নিয়ে দুদেশেই নানা প্রশ্ন দেখা দিয়েছে । চিনে খালেদা জিয়ার সরকারী নিমন্ত্রণে সফর খুব স্বাভাবিক ব্যপার ,তা নিয়ে কিছু কৌতূহল  থাকতে পারে ,কিন্তু কাউকে অবাক করেনা । কারণ খালেদা জিয়া ও তাঁর দল চিনের ঘনিষ্ঠ বন্ধু । অপরদিকে চীনের ভারত বিরোধী অবস্থান দিনের আলোর চেয়েও স্পষ্ট । তথাপি চিনে সফরের পরপরই খালেদাকে ভারত সফরে কেন আমন্ত্রণ করা হল তা আমাদের বোধগম্যের অতীত
ভারতের প্রতিবেশী দেশগুলির মধ্যে বাংলাদেশের গুরুত্ব ভারতের কাছে সর্বাধিক । কারণ ভারতের তিনটি রাজ্য (পশ্চিম বঙ্গ ,অসম ও ত্রিপুরা) জুড়ে রয়েছে ভারত-বাংলাদেশ বিশাল সিমান্ত অঞ্চল । অন্য দুটি প্রতিবেশী দেশ পাকিস্তান ও চীনের ভারত বিরোধী অবস্থানের কথা সমগ্র বিশ্বে সুবিদিত । এই দুটি দেশ তাদের ভারত বিরোধী কার্যকলাপে বাংলাদেশকে যে ব্যবহার করে তাও সকলের জানাসুতরাং বাংলাদেশের সঙ্গে ভারতের সম্পর্ক সুন্দর ও বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ করে গড়ে তোলা যে ভীষণ প্রয়োজন তা বলার অপেক্ষা রাখেনা। চিন যাতে বাংলাদেশকে ও বাংলাদেশের মাটিকে ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবহার করতে না পারে সেজন্যে যদি ভারত সরকার খলেদা জিয়াকে ভারত সফরে ডেকে থাকেন তাহলে কিছু বলার থাকেনা। কিন্তু প্রশ্ন সেখানে নয়, প্রশ্নটা খালেদা জিয়ার বিশ্বাসযোগ্যতা নিয়ে । খালেদা ইতিমধ্যেই আমাদের প্রধান মন্ত্রী ও বিদেশ মন্ত্রীকে আশ্বাস দিয়েছেন যে ভারত বিরোধী কার্যকলাপের জন্য বাংলাদেশের মাটিকে ব্যবহার করতে দেবেন না তিনি যদি ক্ষমতায় ফিরে আসেন। তিনি আমাদেরকে অতিতের কথা ভুলে সামনের দিকে তাকাতে অনুরধ করেছেন ।   খালেদার কথা কতটা বিশ্বাসযোগ্য সে কথায় পরে আসছি , কিন্তু তিনি এই আশ্বাস বাণী উচ্চারণ করে এটা  স্বীকার করলেন যে তাঁর সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে  বাংলাদশের মাটিকে ভারত বিরোধী কার্যকলাপে ব্যবহার করার যে অভিযোগ এতদিন ভারত করে এসেছে তা একশ শতাংশ সত্যি এবার আসা যাক খালেদা কততা বিশ্বাসযোগ্য সে প্রশ্নে ।  
খালেদা জিয়ার আশ্বাসে ভারত সরকারকে খুবই আপ্লুত ও আহ্লাদিত দেখাচ্ছে ।এটা যদি  ভারত সরকারের কূটনৈতিক শিষ্টাচার হয় তাহলে স্বতন্ত্র কথা, কিন্তু যদি তাঁর কথায় বিশ্বাস স্থাপন করা হয় তা  হবে নিজের পায়ে নিজে কুড়াল মারার সামিল ।কারণ এরফলে আওয়ামি লিগ ও আওয়ামি লিগের সরকারের সঙ্গে যে বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ ও  বিশ্বাসের সম্পর্ক বর্তমানে  আছে তা ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হবে যা কখনও সমীচীন নয় । আমরা একথা ভুলতে পারিনা যে, আওয়ামি লিগ হচ্ছে একটি ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ দল এবং ভারতের সঙ্গে তাদের সম্পর্ক বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ অপরদিকে  পাকিস্তানের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের সম্পর্ক মোটেই সুসম্পর্ক  নয় তা বলা বাহুল্য  আর চীন ও  ভারতের মধ্যে  সম্পর্ক স্থাপনের প্রশ্নে আওয়ামি লিগের প্রবনতা সর্বদা ভারতের অনুকূলে তাতে কোন অস্পষ্টতা নেই ।  সেজন্যই কি পাকিস্তান, কি চিন কোন দেশই আওয়ামি লিগের সরকারকে ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবহার করতে  পারেনি ।অপরদিকে অতিতেও খালেদা অনেক প্রতিশ্রুতি দিয়েও তা পালন করেননি  এবার তিনি তাঁর কথা রাখবেন এমনটা ভরসা করার কোনও কারণ ঘটেনি । খালেদা জিয়া ক্ষমতায় ফিরে এসে তিনি যদি অতিতের মতই কথার খেলাপ করেন, যা করার আশঙ্কাই প্রবল , তাহলে তা কীরূপ ভয়ংকর হতে পারে তা বুঝবার জন্য অতীতের দিকে চোখ বুলানো প্রয়োজন ।
১৯৭১ সালে স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশ রাষ্ট্র রূপে আত্মপ্রকাশের পর ১৯৭২ সালে যে সংবিধান সে দেশ গ্রহণ করেছিল সেখানে চারটি লক্ষ্য ঘোষিত হয়েছিল ।ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা ,গনতন্ত্র, সমাজতন্ত্র ও জাতিয়তাবাদ ।বঙ্গবন্ধুকে হত্যার মধ্য দিয়ে সেই সংবিধানের অপমৃতু ঘটানো হয়েছিল । তারপর সামরিক ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার করে জিয়াউর রহমান ক্ষমতায় আসেন ।গড়ে তোলেন বিএনপি(Bangladesh National Party—BNP) ১৯৭৮ সালে সংবিধান সংশোধন করে সংবিধান থেকে ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষতা শব্দ ও নীতিটি মুছে দেন ।সংবিধানের মুল ভিত্তি করেন  ইসলামকে ।ঘোষণা দেওয়া হয় ,আল্লার প্রতি ইমান হবে সব কাজের ভিত্তি ।বঙ্গবন্ধু বাংলাদেশে ধর্মীয় রাজনীতি নিষিদ্ধ করে একটি ঐতিহাসিক ও যুগান্তকারী কাজ করেছিলেন জিয়াঊর রহমান সেই নিষেধাঙ্গা  তুলে দিয়ে ইসলামী রাজনীতিকে আইনসিদ্ধ করেন । মুক্তি যুদ্ধের শত্রু  ও পাকিস্তানপন্থী মুসলিম মৌলবাদী ও জঙ্গি সং-  গঠনসমূহকে  ও ধর্মগুরুদের রাজনৈতিক পুনর্বাসন দেন ।সেটা ছিল ৫ম সংশোধনী ।জেনেরাল এরশাদ ১৯৮৬ সালে  ৭ম সংশোধনীর মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশকে অন্ধকারের দিকে আর  এক ধাপ টেনে নিয়ে যান ।তিনি ইসলামকে রাষ্ট্র ধর্ম ঘোষণা করেন ।এই দুটি কুখ্যাত সংবিধান সংশোধনী সে দেশের ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ নীতিকে সম্পূর্ণ হত্যা করে এবং হত্যা করে মুক্তি যুদ্ধের নীতি ,আদর্শ ও চেতনাকে । হত্যা করে ৩০ লক্ষ প্রাণের বিনিময়ে অর্জিত গনতন্ত্র ও বাঙালি জাতিয়তাবধকেও । বাঙালি জাতির পরিচয় মুছে দিয়ে ঘোষণা করলো বাংলাদেশের মানুষদের জাত একটাই ,তাহলো মুসলমান জাত ,তারা বাংলাদেশি মুসলমান । পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের মতই আবার শুরু হল   বাংলাদেশে ইসলামিকরণের কাজ। এই কাজের লক্ষ্য হল বাংলাদেশকে হিন্দু ,বৌদ্ধ ও খৃষ্টান মুক্ত করা ।রাষ্ট্রীয় মদতে মুসলিম মৌলবাদীরা ঝাঁপিয়ে পড়ল ধর্মীয় সংখ্যালঘুদের ওপর ।বিশেষ করে শুরু হল ব্যাপক সন্ত্রাস- লুটপাট ,হত্যা ,নারীধর্ষণ। আওয়ামি লিগ ক্ষমতায় ফিরে এলে সংখ্যালঘুদের ওপর এই আক্রমণ অনেকটাই কমে কিন্তু বিএনপি ক্ষমতায় এলে সেই আক্রমণ আবার বৃদ্ধি পায় । এরফলে ক্রমাগত হিন্দু জনসংখ্যা হ্রাস পেতে থাকে । ১৯৫১ সালে বাংলাদেশে হিন্দু ও মুসলিম জনসংখ্যা ছিল যথাক্রমে ৭৬.৯% এবং ২২% । ২০১১ সালে সেটা এখন ৯০.৪% এবং ০৮.৫% । ৬০ বছরে হিন্দু জনসংখ্যা ১৩.৫% হ্রাস পেয়েছে আর মুসলিম জনসংখ্যা ঠিক সেই অনুপাতেই বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে।এর থেকে অনুমান করা সহজ যে ধর্মীয় সংখ্যালঘুদের উপর কি ভয়ানক আক্রমন হয় বাংলাদেশে ।আক্রমণের ছবিটা কত ভয়াবহ তার বর্ণনা ক তথ্য পাওয়া যায় সে দেশের ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষ ও সাহসী বুদ্ধিজীবীদের লেখায় ।মানবাধিকার কর্মী সালাম আজাদ লিখেছেন, বাংলাদেশের হিন্দুদের জন্য এখন তিনটি পথ খোলা ।এক. ধর্ম বদল করে হিন্দু হয়ে যাওয়া –যা ধর্মপ্রাণ হিন্দুর কাছে মৃত্যুর সমতুল্য ।দুই . আত্মহত্যা করা । তিন. দেশত্যাগ করে সীমান্ত অতিক্রম করে ভারত চলে যাওয়া ।(ভাঙা মঠ ,পৃ-৭৯)।   এইরূপ পরিস্থিতিতে কি হারে হিন্দুরা স্বদেশ ত্যাগ করে চোখের জলকে কেবল সম্বল করে ভারতে পাড়ি দিয়েছেন তার তথ্য রয়েছে সেই বইয়ে ।তিনি জানিয়েছেন ,প্রতিদিন ৪৭৫ জন এবং প্রতি বছর ১৭৩৩৭৫ জন (এক লক্ষ তিয়াত্তর হাজার তিন শত পঁচাত্তর জন হিন্দু চিরদিনের জন্য বাংলাদেশ ছেড়ে চলে যাচ্ছে । (পৃ-৪৯)।  এই বইটি কলকাতায় ২০০৪ সালে প্রকাশিত হয় যখন বাংলাদেশে সরকার ছিল বিএনপির এবং প্রধান মন্ত্রী ছিলেন খালেদা জিয়া । এই একই কথা বলেছেন লন্ডন প্রবাসী বাংলাদেশের বিশিষ্ট চিন্তাবিদ ও সাংবাদিক গাফফার চৌধুরী ।ওই বছরেই তিনি একটা প্রবন্ধে তিনি লেখেন ,২০০১ সালের অক্টোবর নির্বাচনের পর জোট সরকার সেনা ,BDR   দলীয় ক্যাডারদের সাহায্যে সংখ্যালঘুদের ওপর যে নির্মম নির্যাতন  চালায় তাতে তাদের মধ্যে দেশত্যাগের আবার ব্যাপক হিড়িক দেখা দেয়। তিনি আরও লেখেন ,আমার কোনও সন্দেহ নেই ,বিএনপি ও জামায়াতের সমন্বয়ে গঠিত বাংলাদেশের বর্তমান জোট সরকার-এর অঘোষিত নীতি হচ্ছে দেশটাকে হিন্দু ,বৌদ্ধ ,খৃষ্টান ও আদিবাসী শুন্য করা ।( দ্রঃ- দৈনিক স্টেটসম্যান ,১৮.১২.২০০৪)।
বঙ্গবন্ধু মজিবুর রহমান কট্টর মৌলবাদী মুসলিম ধর্মগুরু এবং  বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের প্রধান শ্ত্রু গোলাম আযমের নাগরিকত্ব খারিজ করেদিয়েছিলেন । মুক্তিযুদ্ধের বিজয়ের পর গোলাম আযম পাকিস্তানে গিয়ে আশ্রয় নিয়েছিলেন আযম ভারতের মাটিতেও পরিচিত একটি কুখ্যাত নাম হিসাবে ।বিগত শতাব্দীর নব্বই দশকে স্লোগান উথেছিল- আদবানি-আযম ভাই ভাই/এক দড়িতে ফাঁসী চাই ।  সেই আযমকে জিয়াউর রহমান ফিরিয়ে নিয়ে এসে তার নাগরকত্ব ফিরিয়ে দিয়েছিলেন । তারপর  তার পুত্র আলম আল আযমিকে সেনাবাহিনীতে উচ্চপদে (ব্রিগেডিয়ার) পদে নিয়োগ দেওয়া হইয়েছিলএইভাবে স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের মাটীতে মুক্তিযুদ্ধের একজন প্রধান শত্রুকে বিএনপি পুরস্কৃত করেন ।মুক্তিযুদ্ধের শত্রুদের পুরস্কৃত করার কাজ খালেদা জিয়াও সমানতালে এগিয়ে নিয়ে গেছেন যখনই ক্ষমতায় এসেছেন।তিনি তো ওদের  জোটসঙ্গী করে তাঁর রাজনৈতিক পরিবারের সদস্য করে নিয়েছেন ।বিএনপির চার দলীয় জোটের গুরুত্বপুরনো সদস্য হল জামাত-ই-ইসলাম ও ইসলামি ঐক্যজোট । খালেদা জিয়ার এর আগের পাঁচ বছরের (২০০১-২০০৬) শাসনকালে মুজিব হত্যাকারীদের বিরুদ্ধে মামলায় একটা শুনানিও হয়নি ।এই সময়ে ৭০ হাজার মুসলিম জঙ্গি ও সন্ত্রাসীদের জেল থেকে ছেড়ে দেন । ২০০৬ সালে সেনাবাহিনীতে ৩৫% নিয়গ দিয়েছিলেন মুসলিম জঙ্গি সংগঠনের লোকজনদের তথা সন্ত্রাসীদের । ফাঁসীর সাজা প্রাপ্ত মুস্লিম জঙ্গি সংগঠনের দুই নেতা ও কুখ্যাত সন্ত্রাসী শায়খ রহমান ও বাংলাভাইকে মীরপুরের একতি বাড়ীতে রাষ্ট্রীয় অতিথি করে রেখেছিলেন ।শায়খ রহমান ও বাংলাভাইয়েরা ব্যপক খুনখারাপি করছে বাংলাদেশে কোরানের শাসন বলবৎ করার জন্য তখন খলেদার সরকার বলেছিল বাংলাভাই বলে কেউ নেই , ওসব বিরোধীদের আবিষ্কার ।খালেদার সরকার এই সময়েই কওমি মাদ্রাসার সর্বচ্চ ডিগ্রি ‘দাওরায় হাদিস’কে MA-র সমতুল্য করেছিলেন । ‘হারকাতুল-জেহাদ-ই-ইসলাম’, ‘জামায়াতুল-মুজাহিদিন’,’শাহাদাত-আল-হিকমা’ , ‘বাংলাদেশ জাগ্রত মুশলিম জনতা’ প্রভৃতি ভয়ংর সনত্রাসী সংগঠনগুলি এই সময়ে ব্যাপক শক্তি বৃদ্ধি করতে সক্ষম হয়েছিল । এরাই ঘোষণা দিয়েছিল আল্লার ভুখন্ডে মুসলমান ছাড়া কেউ বাস করতে পারবেনা আর আল্লার ভুখন্ডে আল্লার বিধান ব্যতীত মানুষের বিধান চোলোবেনাএরাই খালেদার প্রচ্ছন্ন মদতে ২০০৫ সালে ১৭ই আগস্ট বাংলাদেশের ৬৩টি জেলায় একই দিনে ৩৭৬ জায়গায় সিরিজ বোমা ফাটিয়ে ছিল, দিয়ে ঘোষণা দিয়েছিল এবার তারা কোরানের শাসন কায়েম করার জন্য ‘direct action’ শুরু করে দিল ,ক্ষমতার ভাগ নয় চাই পূর্ণ ক্ষমতা । খালেদা সরকারই ১৯৯৪ সালে নারীবাদী লেখক তসলিমাকে বাংলাদেশ থেকে চিরদিনের জন্য নির্বাসিত করেছিল ,তাঁর অপরাধ ছিল তিনি ভারতে বাবরি মসজিদ ভাঙ্গার প্রতিক্রিয়ায় বাঙ্গালদেশে ব্যপক হিন্দু হত্যার বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিবাদ করে একটা উপন্যাস (লজ্জা) লিখেছিলেন ।খালেদা জিয়ার এরুপ কাজের কথা বলে শেষ করা যাবেনা । তিনি এখন বিরোধী দলনেত্রী হিসাবে প্রধান যে কাজটি করছেন তাহল যুদ্ধপরাধীদের বিরুদ্ধে যে বিচার চলছে তা যে কোন উপায়ে বানচাল করা।
তাঁর আমলে বাংলাদেশ বরাবরই শুধু মুসলিম মৌলবাদী সন্ত্রাসবাদী শক্তিগুলোই নয়,ভারতের বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদী শক্তিগুলিও নিরাপদ আশ্রয় ও প্রশ্রয় পেয়েছে । উলফার জন্য দশ ট্রাক আস্ত্র চট্টগ্রাম বন্দরে ধরা পড়েছিল তাঁর বিগত সরকারে আমলে। তিনি ক্ষমতায় থাকুন আর না থাকুন তাঁর দল এবং মুসলিম মৌলবাদী দলগুলির  অবস্থান হল সর্বদা ভারত বিরোধী । এটাই তাদের বিদেশনীতি । এই বিদেশনীতি তাদের রাজনৈতিক ও ধরমীয় দর্শন থেকে উদ্ভুত ।ভারতকে সর্বদা শ্ত্রু দেশ হিসাবে দেখে এসেছে সেই দর্শন থেকেই ।বাংলাদেশের  মুক্তিযুদ্ধে  সব রকমভাবে সাহায্য করার পর তাদের ভারতবিরোধিতা অনেকগুন বৃদ্ধি পেয়েছে ।বাংলাদেশের মানুষের মধ্যে মেরুকরণ স্পষ্ট –একদল ভারতকে বন্ধুদেশ ও অন্যদল শত্রুদেশ ভাবে । আওয়ামি লিগ ও অন্যান্য ধর্মনরপেক্ষ দল এবং মানুষজন ভাবে বন্ধুদেশ, এবং বিএনপি ও তাদের সঙ্গি-সাথিরা ভাবে শত্রুদেশ ।
খালেদা ভারতে এসে বলেছেন তিনি ক্ষমতায় ফিরে আসলে বাংলাদেশের মাটিকে ভারতবিরোধী কাজে ব্যবহার করতে দেওয়া আর হবেনা ,অতীতে্ যা হবার হয়ে গেছে ।কিন্তু তাঁর এই মুখের কথায় বিশ্বাস করার কোনও কারণ ঘটেনি । তাঁর দল অতীতের মানবতাবরধী, ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতাবিরোধি ও গণতন্ত্রবরোধী কাজের জন্য কখনো দুঃখ প্রকাশ করেনি এবং দলীয় রাজনৈতিক ও মতাদর্শগতভাবে অবস্থানের কোনো পরিবর্তনও করেনি । সুতরাং তিনি ক্ষমতায় এলে যে তাঁর কথার খেলাপ করবেন তা নিয়ে সন্দেহের অবকাশ নেই । 
খালেদার ভারত সফরে তাই ভারতের কোনো লাভ হবেনা কারণ খালেদা ক্ষমতায় এলে ভারয় ও বাংলাদেশের সম্পর্কের উন্নতি হবেনা ,বরং আরও খারাপ হবে ।তবে এই সফর থেকে অবশ্যই লাভবান হবেন খালেদা ।তিনি দেশে ফিরে গিয়ে এ প্রচার নিশ্চয় করবেন না যে ,আমাকে ভোট দিন আমি ভারতের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কের উন্নতি করবো । তিনি যে প্রচার করবেন তাহল ,এই দেখ ভারতও বুঝেছে যে আওয়াম লিগের জনসমর্থন নেই এবং সামনের নির্বাচনে আর তারা ক্ষমতায় আস্তে পারবেনা , তাই তারা আমাকে ভারত সফরে নিমন্ত্রণ করেছিল । বলা বাহুল্য যে ,এই প্রচার  আগামী বছরের নির্বাচনে তাঁর পক্ষে অনেক সুবিধা এনে দিবে। অপরদিকে নানা কারণে এবং বাস্তবসম্মত কারণেই হাসিনার সরকার ও দলের জনসমর্থন ক্রম হ্রাসমান , এই সময়ে খালেদাকে ভারত সরকারের নিমন্ত্রণের ঘটনা হাসিনার প্রতি জনসমর্থন হ্রাসের প্রবণতাকে আরও বাড়বে । বাংলাদেশের মানুষ কাকে ক্ষমতায় নিয়ে সেটা তাঁদের নিজস্ব বিষয় । কিন্তু অতীতের তিক্ত অভিজ্ঞতার নিরিখে একথা নিঃশংসয়ে বলা যায় যে আমরা কখনোই খালেদার ক্ষমতায় ফিরে আসার পথ সুগম করতে পারিনা । কারণ তিনি ক্ষমতায় ফিরলে ভারতের সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের সম্পর্কের যে উন্নতি হবেনা তা সংশয়াতীত ।

Monday, October 15, 2012

The real fact behind Ramadan

Muslims believe that Ramadan was first introduced by Allah through the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia. But it is totally wrong. Before appearance of Islam Ramadan was practiced by the pagan Arabian. Muhammad also would practice it before he became Prophet. He adopted it in Islam. There are many proofs in Koran and Hadith. There are details in the following post written by Taslima Nasrin.

Ramadan was a non-Muslim pagan Arab festival by Taslima on 21.07.12 ( goggle+ )

The difference between pre-Islamic Ramadan and Islamic Ramadan is, pre-Islamic Ramadan was practised by pagan tribe in Arabia,and Islamic Ramadan is practised by Muslims all over the world.

During Ramadan, pagan Arabs used to abstain from taking food,water,sextual contact etc. Muslims practice the same pagan Ramadan rituals. It is well known fact that Islam adapted the pagan practice of fasting. There is a Hadith in Shahih Bukhari that mentions the rituals.Bukheri 5:58:172-Narrated Aisha, "Ashura was a day on which the tribal of Quraish used to fast in the pre-Islamic perod of ignorance. The Prophet also used to fast on this day. So when he migrated to Medina, he fasted on it and ordered (the Muslims) to fast on it. When the fasting of Ramadan enjoined , it became optional for the people to fast on the day oy Ashura."

The fasting for Ashura (10th, Muharram) originated from the Quraish pagan practice. Ramadan fasting came later from Sabian tradition. Sabians are mentioned in severalverses of the Quran (2:262,22:17,5:69) along with Christan and Jewish.Sabians, a non-Muslim Iraqi tribe, believed in montheism, observed fasting 30days a year, and prayed 5 times a day.

Not only Ramadan fasting, other pagan rituals were also Islamized.The Ka'aba in the Mecca was in a centre of idol-worship. 360 idols were kept in the Ka'aba. According to Hadith Bukheri 3:43:658 .Narrated Abdullah bin Msood:The Prophet entered into Mecca and (at that time) there were 360 idols around the Ka'aba. He started stabbing the idols with a stick he had in his hand and reciting : 'The truith (Islam) has come and falsehood(disbelief) was vanished.'

The black-stone or al-Dajar-alaswad of the Ka'aba became the central shrine object in Islam. It was one of the many stones and idols venerated by pre-Islamic pagan worship. Muhammed did not completely abolish idol worship, he made the Black-stone stay and allowed people to continue the practice of kissing the stone. It is the same pre-Islamic pagan stone that Muslims kiss today during theHajj and Urah. The Islamic historian believe that the black stone was a pagan diety called 'AI-LAT' one of the three daughters of Allah, the pagan moon-god. She was once venerated as a cubic rock at Taif in Arabia. Hisam ibn Al-Kalbi (819) in his "The book of idols" wrota that 'AL-LAT' stood in al-Taif and more recent than Manah. She was a cubic rock beside which a certain

Jew used to prepare barley porridge (sawiq). Her custody was in the hands of the banu 'Attab-ibn-Malik' of the Thayif, who had built an edifice over. (...) She is the which god mentioned when he said , "Have you seen al-lat and al-uzza ?" (sura-53:19)

Muslims in 21st century believe that the black stone fell from the heaven during the era of Adam and Eve. They also believe that the stone was originally white, but it turned black because of absorbing human sins. Pre-Islamic pagans pray 5times a day facing Mecca. Persian Zoroastrain prayed 5times a day too, in the direction of the Sun or fire temple. Before prayers,Zoroastrain cleaned themselves or practiced ablution. Ablution and the prayers for 5 times are not something Islam invented. The Hadith (Shahih Bukhari Book-b, no-345) tells us that when Muhammed met Allahin heaven, Allah demanded 50 prayers perday. But with help of Moses Muhammed burgained with Allah and finally he was successfull to reduce 50 prayers per day to 5 prayers a day. Even the Quran says (4:28) 'god wished to lighten your burden, for the human being is created weak.'

During Hajj,Muslims walk between two mountains seven times. It is also apre-Islamic practice. Let us see what the Quran and the Hadith say about the special mountain walk. Hadith Bukheri,vol-2, Book-26, no-710: Narrated ASIM; I asked Anas bin Malik, "Did you dislike to perform Tawef between mountain Al-Safa and mountain Al-Marwa ?" He said, "yes, as it was one of the ceremonies of the days of the pre-islamic periodof ignorance, till Allah revealed 'veryly al-safa and al-Marwa are among the rites (symbols) of Allah. It therefore no sin for himwho perform the pilgrimage to tha Ka'aba, or perform Umrah to perform Tawaf between them.(quran-2:158).

Many non-Muslims pagan rituals are now known as Islamik rituals. Pagan cresent moon : the symbol of the moon god, circumambulation, Ihram etc. were taken or stolen by Islam. Muslims now begin their Ramadan fasting after seeing a crescent moon in the sky. Ramadan is a kind of month long food festival for Muslims.It is supposed to be a month of sacrifice and Muslims are expected to eat less. But in reality Muslims eat more in Ramadan than any other month.Some people call Ramadan the holy month of feasting instead of fasting. They make sense.

There are some unscientific, nonsense verses in the Quran about Ramadan. Quran sura 2:187, "Eat and drink untilwhite of dawn appears to you and then complete your fast till the night appears. "Quran sura 18:83-86, "Zulkarin reached setting place of the Sun. He saw that it set in a poolof black muddy water." Quran,sura 67 (37?):3-9:, "We created 7 heaven one above the other and decorated lowest heaven with lamps-the stars. We made some lamps as missiles to drive away satan, who try to listen the conversation of the higher group i,e. the conversation between Allah and his angels.

There many Hadith on Ramadan too. The most interesting ones are the ones about Muhammed kissing his wives and the way he permitted old men to embrace their young wives but prevent young men from embracing their wives. Needless to say,Muhammed was old.

Hadith Bukheri; vol-3:149; narrated Aisha, "Muhammed used to kiss and embrace his wives while he was fasting and he had more power to control his desires than any of you." Hadith Bukheri, vol- 3:151:Narrated Zainab (daughter of Umme Salma) : that her mother said,The Prophet and I used to make a bath from one water pot and he used to kiss me while he was fasting."

Hadith,Book-13, no-238 : Narrated Abu Hurayra : A man asked Muhammed whether one who was fasting could embrace his wife and he gave him permission, but when another man came to him, and asked,he forbade him. The one to whom he gave permission was an old and one whom he forbade was a youth. Hadith, Book-13, no-2380 : Narrated Aisha, Prophet Muhammed used to kiss and suck her tongue, while he was fasting. (end)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Political parties are intent upon appeasing the Mullahcracy only, none of them are well wishers of the muslim masses.

Left front government in the state are earning the displeasure of all classes of population, excluding the burgeosie. Muslims are no exception, in reality, their sense of deprivation has commenced much earlier. Sachar report has added to the disgust.In an attempt to mitigate the distrust and disgust, the left front have taken a few faltering steps, recently. Some other steps were perceptible earlier too, in the name of upliftment of muslims. But are the LF really sincere, do they desire muslim upliftment? The steps said to have been taken, and those programmes announced in this regard, when subjected to scrutiny, incurs grave doubt as to the ultimate utility of such programmes in the cause for which they are reportedly designed.

Let us survey the earlier steps in this regard. Principal steps are: (1) Proscribing books by Taslima Nasreen; (2) Preventing Taslima from reading out her poetry in a cultural get together at Medinipur (3) Preventing Taslimafrom inaugurating a book fair at Siliguri; (4) Banish Taslima from Calcutta; (5) Elevate the Kolkata Aliya Madrasa to Alia University; (6) Formation of a separate Madrasa Service Comission etc. New bunch of programmes, that our kind(?) government has taken in hand are, (a) Bringing unrecognised 400 madrasas in to recognised category; (b) establish 300 new madrasas; (c)Establishment of 300 madrasa training centres; (d) Introduction of “Fazil” course in 10 senior madrasas; etc. Very large budgetery grants have been provided for funding these, in the current year.

It does not merit reiteration, how inhuman and undemocratic and reproachable the steps taken by the government in respect of Taslima. There is no scope of any doubt or misunderstanding, that the steps are for paliating and appeasing the mullahcracy, and have no contribution in the upliftment of the muslim have nots. Elevation of Alia madrasa into the label of Alia University is also for the satiation of demand by mullahcracy. Madrasa education board and the creation of such institution suffers the same label. These last two concessions have been conceded for the pleasure of muslim fundamentalists, exclusively- and these make no impact on the toiling and struggling masses. Formation of the Alia University has not been planned with prior infrastructure, and no provision exists to impart modern education. Thus, Alia madrasa's conversion into Alia University renders no special benefit, except for the fact, that more and more people may find encouragement in obtaining religious instruction and thus inflate the number of unemployables in modern industry and commerce and inflate the number of mullahcracy, and the creation of a new class of oppressors in the name of religion. The formation of the Madrasa Service Comission, will also serve the same end and the bulk of the muslim masses will be made to carry a larger burden of social parasites. It is perceived, that a very small fraction of youth may benefit, but the lowering the standard of education will debilitate the society, further. It is known, that higher education is scarce amongst the muslims, (graduates-only 3%), thus getting to fill madrasa teachers will be difficult. Last year, all vacant positions could not be filled, due to paucity of suitable candidates. Therefore, formation of madrasa service comission, will harm the muslim society, rather than helping it.

Professed extensive project in expansion of madrasa education of the left front government will be a precursor to the generation of extreme disadvantage of the muslim community, in stead of benefit. The reason is that, the madrasa education is a relic of the dark middle ages. This system appears to enforce a belief, that, sum total of all knowledge was delivered, and the knowledge bank was complete, when the last trip of Gibreel was over. Subsequent fourteen centuries have shown no advancement of knowledge. Sun still sets in a muddy pond(Al-Kahf, 18:86), further, “We had encompassed [all] that he had in knowledge (Al-Kahf, 18:91).Worldwide backwardness of the muslim community may safely be deemed to have arisen from the community's adherence to madrasa education system. Madrasa education consists of impartation of religious education and this system is against modern education. This system is a great barrier to the progress and advancement of the muslim community. This confirms our premonition, that, the attempt at emphasizing madrasa education is aimed, solely at the satiation and paliation of the mullahcracy, to aid increase of their tribe, and is not designed for the progress and development of the muslim community at large. This is further designed to keep the community away from the mainstream of the world's progress.

Muslim participation in government services is woefully low. In this state, it is even lower than the national average, which is poor enough. Muslim fundamentalists, of course, propagate, that, the indifference of the governments is responsible for this.This assertion is not correct. Participation in higher education, by muslims is abysmally low, which is the main reason for this low incidence of muslim employment in government services. Table, below,showing students in education, will prove:

Year 2001 %Muslim %SC/ST %Other castes
Primery 50.30 54.40 80.40

eightth class 26.0 29.90 ( ?)

Madhyamic 11.90 13.10 38.00

Graduate 03.0 03.50 32.40

Muslim fundamentalists hold the government, specially, the left front government for this crass backwardness of the community. Many of the muslim society also share this canard. But, truth to tell, the muslim backwardness is universal. Thus, any government indifference cannot be the cause of this. Deep self analysis and self criticism is necessary to locate the genuine reasons for this universal malady. Development of human society, and progress calls for progressive thought, adoption of modern thought and education, and admit the social developments and scientific thought and follow these modern precepts. The muslim society has been captivated in ancient Shariatic thought and precepts, turning their back on modernism, and progress. That this retrogressive stance, is the creation of mullahcracy, needs not be reiterated. It is for the development of mullahcracy, that the muslim society is in the blind alley of sharia laws,sharia culture and shariatic education, and perpetuation of this maze is created by madrasa education. They have been at it since long.Let's examine their past performance, the mullahcracy's.

They had declared 'black' fatwa in British India, against introduction of modern education. In 1826,1829 and in 1837, few muslim thought leaders attempted introduction of english education in the Alia Madrasa. Strong opposition of the mullahs, this was prevented.In 1826, the Alia Madrasa first introduced a medical college-Mullahcracy strongly opposed and nipped it in the bud. Muslim fundamentalists declared fatwa, insisting that education with “human skeleton” is contra to shariat. They had dubbed the project of initiating a medical college, at Alia madrasa, as a British conspiracy against Islam. The “jihad” declared against modern education, by the then clergy of islam, is continued by their inheritors. They still are shrill in demanding expansion of retrogressive madrasa education and in dislocating modern education for the muslim masses.

The brotherhood of mullahs and Muftis, solelyresponsible for the damage to the genius of the muslims, are funnily enough, the loudest in accusing governments of indifference and consequent backwardness of the muslim community.These religious leaders are now demanding job reservation for muslims.This is a very sensitive issue, and it influences the muslim community. But this militates against the principle of secularism and humanistic ideals, and is likely to benefit an infinitesimal section of the community. 25.2% of the population of the state are muslims,containing 3% graduates, even total employment of all graduates in government jobs, will amount to what advancement of the muslim community? If job reservation is announced in proportion to population, could the muslim community provide candidates to all such positions? Hence the 'jihad' against modern education, actively pursued by the mullahs and their claim for proportional job reservation are contrary acts and absurd. This dichotomy is nothing but deception to the masses and specially, the muslim community. Since almost the founding of Islam, such dichotomy and deception has been rampant.

The role of left front government is qually deceptive. It has been, earlier, shown, how the government complied with the demands of the mullahs,successively. Strangely enough, this self same government claims, that, in the whole country, they are the sole muslim friendly, sympathetic entity! The relationship between mullahcracy and the muslim society are dialectic. The left front are apparently strengthening the mullahcracy. Mullahs want religious education, the society needs modern education; Mullahs demand undemocratic muslim personal law,like polygamy,easy talaq etc. While the masss demand reform; mullahs want that women be interned at home and in Hijab, the society opines against; Mullahs want to rule in the name of Allah,and exclusive islam(with themselves as interpreters and enforcers) while the society calls for democracy and multiculturism. In every aspect of life is the contrariness expnding. Left front is consistently, partial and supportive to the mullahs, some times overt, sometimes covert, sometimes silently, sometimes loudly. But their specious unsubstantiated claim is that they work fervently and constantly in favour of the benefit of the minorities. This is crass deception to the muslims. Given genuine desire of upliftment of the muslim self-inflicted backwardness, the government could have done a lot. This dissertation is not meant to enumerate them. But, in the field of higher education, the neglect and damage suffered by the students of the community, and the scope of help, the government could have offered, can be briefly viewed. Mullahcracy's drag of the society against higher education has already been discussed, but the indifference of the government has accentuated this disadvantage, manifolds, through government indifference.Financial inadequacy, hasrendered it difficult for the muslim students using non-resident education, staying in hostels. But, fact remains, that, the number of institurions of higher learning, are few and far between in muslim populated areas. The subject of muslim students hostel is a street less travelled than any, and less said about it the better. Amongst the muslims in West Bengal, 40% are domiciled in Murshidabad, Maldah and north Dinajpur districts. In these three districts, the muslims represent 63.7%, 49.7% and 47.4% respectively, of the total population. Compared to the other districts, these three districts have been denied access to education from primery to university levels, in an unprecedented manner. This matter has been dealt with, in a detailed manner, in my article,'Left front regime in West Bengal appeased the Mullahcracy,consequently, the muslims have not only been deprived but also deceived'. The apathy of the government in providing modern education facilities in muslim populated areas, the wilful discrimination and neglect has shrunk, the already scarce avenues of progress, opportunities of the muslim populace.In this state, reservation of seats for higher education are 34% (SC-22%, ST-6%, OBC-6%). The government, in stead of broadening avenues for higher education for muslims, are lavishing grants for establishment of more and more new madrasaa, which will further shrink avenues for enlightenment through modern education and thus restrict their employability.The government appears to be bringing on this disaster willingly on the muslims. The policy of the government apparently consists of appeasing and stoking the hold of mullahcracy on the muslims, and NOT upliftment and progress of the community in bringing them into the mainstream of the nation. Prevalent maxim seems to confirm the principle, that, “a contented mullahcracy will railroad the muslim votes into the left ballot box”. This is a fallacious principle, but the left front leadership is chasing this mirage to self destruction and dragging the muslims along.

It is idle to attribute this falacy on left front alone, the opposition, too, are frantic about satiating the mullahcracy. The maxim is- “ whatever you can do-I can do better”. A meanminded competition is perceptible, in comparative appeasement of mullahcracy between the ruling and the opposition parties. The opposition is curiously silent, when the rulers pile up undemocratic,inhuman torture on tasleema. Muslim fundamentalists had unleashed vandalism at the residence of Morselim, in protest against an article published by him, callet “Satyamithyya”. The editor of the host of the article had also been visited by the same misfortune. Government failed to provide protection against this mayhem and violence, nor did the perptrators riceive retribution. Opposition was conspicuously silent and inactive. Further, a communal organisation, like Madrasa Chhatra Sangathan, in their public function, found Kum. Mamata Bannerjee, gracing the podium. Imam of Tipu Sultan Masjid, Maulana Noor Muhammad Barkati almost always sprouts communal poison. He had publicly declared fatwa urging the killing of Tasleema. He was found to have added glamour to the platform where Mamata devi was offering “Dharna”. These spectacles left the left front and SUCI free from reaction. All these facts demonstrate the confirmation of the feeling, that the “Real programme of all political parties is the paliation and appeasement of mullahcracy, to ensure muslim votes, and that, none of them are real friends and benefactors of the muslims”
Islam is not founded upon equity and fair play but on inequity and discrimination

Claims are made that Islam is the best of religions. This claim loses its sanctity when concurrently claims are made of its being the 'right' religion. Questions arise as to what is the basis of such assertion, about comparative goodness or its being the 'right' one. Assertions are made, that islam is the only one created by GOD, how can this be universally appreciated- this being the mental frame or faith of an individual. To accentuate palatability, Islam is reported to be the religion of equity,peace, tolerance and forgiveness. Other faiths do not contain these humanistic virtues at all and islam abounds in it; QED Islam is the right and best of religions.

Concatenation of the qualities enumerated above in any belief, faith or religion can certainly earn epithet 'best' certainly.If islam exhibits the assembly of qualities then no reason can be found to avoid award of the “Best” epithet amongst all forms of faith, belief or religion. Do these attributes really abound in islam? In an article, of this dimension, analysis of attribute by attribute concurrently by religion by religion is not feasible. We shall proceed to discover the extent to which Islam contains all or some of these attributes.

To our intellect, it was Carl Marx and Fred Engels who pioneered the concept of “equality” to the mankind. Some, however, dispute this and claim that it was Muhammad who discovered the idea if equality and propounded the theory and introduced effectively in the religion propounded by him- Islam. Marx & Engels plagiarised the thought from Islam. This is fantastic. Our discussion is presence or otherwise of equality and equity in islam. Casual acquaintance and perusal may look confirmatory to the suggestion. Because this religion does not differentiate caste or creed and some personal examples set by the prophet may mislead one into thinking that “equality” is identifiable. Current Muslim society is rampant with social and ecumenical differences and differences of interpretation of “true islam, but pristine islam was devoid of this. All mussalman were equal before Allah—rich or poor, freeman or slave,of high birth or low,learned or illiterate, wise or dislexic, respected or not, Allah did not appear to have discriminated.The individual, whom the Allah chose to declare as the last messenger and finest speciman of humanity was a destitute and unlettered. In the annals of islam and history of islam Bilal and Osama son of Jayd, have found respectable mention. The prophet nominated the first as Muazzem, a person originally a slave. A muazzem is entrusted with calling the faithful to prayer and is an esteemable office.Sahabees( close associates of Muhammad) did have persons well endowed with worldly goods and who were high in eminence, in preference to whom elevation of a former slave to muazzemhood created a precedence indicating erasure of disequality amongst followers.Jayed was a slave, whom muhammad liberated and adopted as a son. The son of that, Jayed, Osama was appointed commander of the army against Syria. Specially eminent persons like Abu Bakr,Omar Faruq, osman Ghani,Ali, persons who subsequently became Khalifa, were instructed to fight under the leadership of Osama, thereby creating an unprecedented instance of daring, and a message of erasure of social discrimination. Social discrimination between unmarried and widowed women prevalent in some faiths, Islam does not recognise the difference. Of the 22 wives of Muhammad( there are no accurate statistic of spouses of muhammad), 21 were widows. Equating the respect for virgins and widows do surely represent egalitarian sentiment of his faith.In many societies entry into places of worship, have restrictive regulations, whites and non-white discrimination is too well known to bear repetition.In Islam, any person can become Imam. Ram an incarnation of God in Hindu mythologyhad shot an arrow to kill a chandal's son for the sin of studying the vedas. Eklavya, a scion of inferior caste had to sacrifice his thumb as preceptor fee for having learnt archery, to which, the then custom did not permit, for protecting the reputation of the preceptor's favorite high caste student,Arjuna. In islam, however, any man can be maulana, mufti, hafez or quarri.In the social melieu, muhammad did introduce customs and had taken steps, which can be construed as egalitarian. In soite of all these, Islam has failed to secure the recognition of being an egalitarian institution, in the social history, though, there are persons who claim loudly from the house top to register such a nomenclature. The Umma have never attempted to discover and analyse the reasons, which led to such lack of universal recognition.These thought leaders attributed the indifference to religious bigotry of those professing other faith and belief, and argued the lack of liberalism and dogmatism of others. This assertion arose out of blind dogmatic adherence to their own faith, and is fundamentally flawed.If religious regulation are designed to benefit mankind and development of humanity, then comparative bigotry alone cannot preponderate continuoussly,recognition must necessarily ensue. Islam and its egalitarian message has failed to attract universal admiration is not due to dogmatic bigotry of other faith followers, but there are three main contributory reasons. (1) Islamic egalitarianism is not universal but seriously discriminatory. (2) Islamic egalitarianis is heavily supportive to the economically advantaged and is silent on methods of neutralising effects arising out of the economic discrimination. (3) Islam has enhanced gender discrimination and accentuated the male domination of society. In addition, there are many other incidents and tenets in scripture and Muhmmad's life style, which do not exhibit traces of egalitarian thought and sentiment. In the contrary, exposes an image of inequality with great severity. On a casual examination, Islam may exhibit a few semblance of egalitarianism, but in reality, such is not bourne out. Appearence at casual examination and the error arising out of such a study will be violently dispelled by a deeper consideration. Egalitarianism calls for erasure of all discrimination and distance amongst humanity, providing equal rights and opportunities of livelihood and living, dispensing impartial justice to all and total neutrality, equal respect to all among other rights. In short applicability of all rules and regulation should be totally uniform. Islam, on the contrary, fundamentally, creates a chasm in human thought, in stead of eliminating all devisive notions, and created two entitys-- Believers and non-believers! Those who believe in Allah and Rasool muhammad are 'believers' and the rest are 'non-believers. Islam provides for different dispensation for life on earth and afterlife for believers and non-believers. Allah has erected an impassable mountain, in Islam, between the believers and others. Islamic fraternalising is limited between believers and is not universal, in fact extremely exclusive. Islamic internationalism slogan is “Mussalmans of the world are brothers”, islam does not admit the possibility of intimacy between believers and non-believers. Allah is said to have informed, that non-believers cannot be friends to believers, they always crave evil on muslims. “O you who have believed, do not take as intimates those other than yourselves[i.e. believers], for they will not spare you[any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater (Ali Imran,3:118). A claim is often made, that islam is a religion of forgiveness, and Allah and His Rasool Muhammad are extremely kind and merciful. Allah's mercy and kindness is however, denied to the non-believers, eternally. Only mussalmans can seek Allah's mercy and hope to receive it, non muslims, never. Muhammad's show of kindness is stated to be exemplified by his extending perdon, after his conquest of Makka, to all those, who reportedly forced him out of Makka in the past. This claim is not bourne by facts. His extension of pardon was limited to those, who embraced islam, only. Quran confirms this. Quran states: “And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakat, let them[go] on their way(At Tawba, 9:5). A further Ayat: “But if they repent, establish prayer, and give zakat then they are your brothers in religion; and We detail the verses for a people who know(At Tawba,9:11).Both these Ayats were said to have been revealed after conquest of Makka. These two Ayats amply define that forgiveness is exclusively for mussalmans and others are not at all eligible..

Islam has no place for justice and impartial dispensation for all. Islam professes, that everybody will be judged in afteerlife after the Destruction(Quayamat). There are provision for two dispensations, Behast for some; Behast will have provision for each resident, all elements of enjoyment and entertainment, like heavenly virgin courtesaan, and surfiet of wines. Others will reside in Dozkh or Jahannum(hell or hades). Hell will have large fireplace and unlimited equipments of torture. On the last day,humanity will be classified in two lots: believers and nonbelievers, and all nonbelievers will be forthwith consigned to hell. However good their past earthly performance be, they will not be evaluated for such credits, because they have failed to place their belief on “Allah” and His acknowledged “Rasool”. This is the facad of socalled egalitarianism of Islam,where egalitarianism is devisive at the outset.

Economic difference in men are a human creation. States economic perception influences these discrimination. Consequently the gap between the rich and poor goes on increasing. Erasure of this hiatus and installation of egalitarianism and equality is impossible without basic change in the system of governance of the state. Islam has failed to provide any direction in the matter of creating economic egalitarianism.On the contrary, Islam declares that the disequality in economic status is Allah's creation and is said to be blessed by Him. Quran declares “Indeed, my Lord extends provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts [it] for him (Saba,34:39).*{2:112 in bengali appears inappropriate-please check up}. Islam does not recommend protest by the downtrodden against the economic oppressors. The faithful are encouraged to ask assistance from Allah-because apparently his Eeman(faith in Him) is under test. Still claims are made by the apologists for islam, that islam is egalitarian! In what manner? Introduction of Zakat and partial abolition of slave system is held out as instances. Zakat is an important provision in islamic economic system. This regulation instructs every capable mussalman to donate two and a half percent of his accumulated wealth, every year, compulsorily. Money thus realised, was to have been beneficially spent for general benefit-- mainly for the welfare of the poor.This is kind of a relief for the poor. Additionally, there is a provision for “Fitra”, an economic programme, directed at assisting the poor.In this regulation, head of every muslim family is meant to donate a predesigned amount, per head (adult or underage), at or before the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr Namaz. A further provision concerns the sales proceeds of the hide of the sacrificed animals offered in Qurbany. This income is meant to be spent for benefit of the poor and some of it may be spent for madrasa education.

These relief programmes for the poor are well appreciated in human society. These programmes, in the upliftment of the poor were excellent precursors of similar schemes. A permnent crutch for relief can certainly not be considered as desirable as a prop. These superficial exposition of welfare have intrinsic negativity. A society, that perpetuates the coexistence of the ultra rich and the ultra poor, in which the haves will loll in extraordinery pleasure and wealth while the rest will drudge through existence depending on table scraps and hand outs, the poor who will perish in hunger, unclad and destitution, while the other will occasionally donate and live in a continuum of pleasure, cannot find approval in modern thought process. Zakat,Fitra may well have been appreciated as a forerunner of welfare, but as a permanent economic dispensation cannot be held in perpetuity. Muhammad's dispensation does not even touch the fringe of dreaming about an egalitarian society.Muhammad did not dream of a hunger-free human society, let us not mislead ourselves into atributing him as a precursor of an egalitarian society.

Slave system made its appearence at a juncture of the development of human society.Mankind was devided into serfs and freemen.In litteral terms, man was a slave or a purchaseable commodity.Human being could be bought, sold or killed like animals, like cattle and hunting animals.Slaves would be made to toil day and night. Extortion and oppression of man by man rose to its pinnacle, at that time. In the Arab society, at the time of advent of islam, the system, though in decay, but was in existence. In human perlance, the slave system was the most reprehensible measure, though in its early stage, this did contribute to progress. In several other societies, revolt and protest against the slave system was perceptible,the demand for abolishment of the system was gathering strength. Islamic protagonists claim, that, it was islam only, that raised its voice against slavery and abolished it. In reality, this claim is not capable of being sustained. True, Muhammad, personally,in some instance exhibited sympathy towards some slaves, but he never raised his voice against the system, on the other hand, evidence exists, that he supported the slave system and even approved it. Muhammad led many Jihads while propagating Islam. In the event of a conquest in jihad, there were prisoners of war, whom muhammad would render free against ransom only, or sold them for money as slaves, or even allow the followers to use them as captive productive labour, without pay and generate wealth. Utilisation of prisoner of war wemen in personal sexual gratification has been authorised by Quran. This will be shown later. Another Ayat provides “Allah is ever Knowing and Wise and whoever among you cannot [find] the means to marry free, believing women, then [he may marry] from those whom your right hand possess(An-Nisa, 4:25). Apparently, the thesis, that Muhammad was the precursor of ablition of slave system, is totally baseless- on the contrary, slave system was one of effective ammunition in extending the hegemony of islam. Male domination of society preceeded the advent of religion, much earlier. Male domination robbed rights of women, step by cruel step. 1400 yers ago, when, muhammad began propagating Islam, male domination of society was nearly at its peak. All religions, that appeared on the face of earth, have uniformly, enhanced the male domination in the name of god and consequently, the difference in status between men and women progressively disadvantaged the womenfolk.Their suffering and torture supplemented continuously. In the matter of male domination and whittling away of women's rights, Islam is in no way better than any other religion, on the contrary, it accentuated under Islam. Pre-islam, in the middle east women did enjoy a few freedoms, particularly in Arabia, where islam made its appearence, status of women was pretty elevated. They could freely engage in commerce and pertake in wars. Evidences exist in Quran and Hadis. Muhammad's first spouse, Khadija, does not find frequent mention in quran, hadis or in Islamic history. She conducted an independent business. She was a wealthy person, in possession of a strong personality and was a learned person, her personality was such, that, during her life time, muhammad could not marry another. After the demise of Khadije, muhammad married innumerable times, though, no dependable count has been established and opinions differ. Reportedly he had 22 marriages. Muhammad did not like a woman having personality or leadership traits. That is why, though quran and hadis and islamic history contains many refferences about muhammad's youngest wife Ayesha and his daughter Fatima, but Khadija is not refered that way. Pre-islam priveleges, respect and honour and rights, that, women were enjoying were progressively demolished by Muhammad. Women were hi-jacked from commerce and militery and interned them and quarantined them indoors. Sermonised: “do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance”-(Al-Ahzab,33:34). Further, “bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments”(Al Ahzab 33:59);”tell the believing women to reduce of their visionand not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [aportion of] their head covers over their chests (An-Nur,24:31). Women were relegated to “place of cultivation [ie. Sowing of seeds]”, (Al Baqarah. 2:223. Servicing your man is the all embracing purpose of existence. Whenever she is called to the bedside for satiation of lust, everything must be held up and satiation provided, (Hadis).Muhammad relegated women to the feet of her spouse.He has stated, that the feet of husband is the heaven for women. According to muhammad, a woman is unacceptable as a witness. He sermonises, that the evidence given by a woman is worth half that of a man,(Al-Baqara,2:282). Earlier, a woman could divorce her husband in case of provocation, this right was banished by Muhammad. Muhammad had introduced discrimination between men and women in the matter of rights of inheritance of property, sermonised: “ Allah instructs you concerning your children[ie. their portions of inheritance], for the male, what is equal to the share of two females”,(an-nisa, 4:11). He prohibite leadership by women, and the Imamate, instructed women not to visit graveyard. Instructed men not to meet a woman frontally, but from behind a partition,(Al-Ahzab,33:53). In Islam, the status of a slave woman is far more tragic compared to non-slave women. For 'free' women, four wives are permitted, but possession of slave women permits unlimited lusciousness, with unlimited individuals,”guard private parts except frrom their wives or those their right hand possess'(al-Mu'minun,23:6). Such women have been deprived all rights under islam. Thus, islam has at every step humiliated,disenfranchised,victimised, insulted, disempowered,and in fact have relegated women from human being to goods of commerce and sub-human specie. Supporting on the one hand the economic disparity, gender discrimination, and concurrently sprouting egalitarianism cannot be construed as emerging classless society.Islamic savants and their echoing camp followers of the muslim intelligentia may go on trumpeting “classlessness” of the creed, but the hollowness of the claims are supported by scripture itself and the mirage is destroyed. Conversely, the truth is, that Islam, barring a very few exceptions of professing social equity, supports and encourages the discrimination in economic devide, gender devide and the devide between the muslims and the non-muslims.Research into the existence of egalitarianism in islam will be counterproductive, because, in fact, islam has emphasised the division and discrimination.

It would be worth while, discussing the oft-professed approach to classless society of islam, to glance at the personal commitment in his personal life and practise, how muhammad, the originator and proslyteur of islam practised the concept. At the outset, it should be understood, that, whatever has so far been discussed, are based on Quranic regulation introduced in islam, for the muslims, and it has been found, that, Muhammad has been regarded as being above the laws and regulations for the mussalmans. Every muslim, at the time of marriage must pay the bride-price (mahr) and the marriage is invalid without this. Muhammad found exemption from this. There is controversy about whether, at all he followed this edict.At the time of wedding with khadija, they were both idolators. Subsequently, after muhammad attained Nabuyat, and the conversion of Khadija, whether the regulation was observed, is still unknown. After Khadija's demise, muhammad married twentyone more times, and question about the brideprice has still not been established, in fact it is almost certain, that the trifle was overlooked. Islam permits having upto four wives at a time. At the time when the relevant Ayat was revealed, Muhammad and his Sahabees(intimates),many of them had more than four. Muhammad instructed all to divorce all supernumeral wives. Although this unpalatable edict was harsh, but the Sahabees complied, muhammad, however did not comply. He sermonised, that Allah's directive was not for him. At the time of Muhammad's demise, there were nine widows.These facts ridicule the claim of islamic egalitarianism and emphasizes the inborn devisiveness and discrimination in Muhammad and islam. A satisfactory explanation eludes all rsearchers, as to why Allah was so partial to muhammad and disliked muhammad's close followers and camp followers. The only conclusion could be, that, muhammad enjoyed special privileges and was interested in enlarging on the same and he wanted to encourage discrimination and devisiveness. That was why, Allah was constrained to provide complimentary “wahi” to fulfil the desires of His Nabi. These two occasions are not exceptions, Allah had to proliferate many “wahi”s to be sent to muhammad, in fulfilment of muhammad's desire,whim and interest. This tendency prompted muhammad's youngest wife Ayesha, distraught at proliferating wahi, to react. This comment is well recorded. She said “Allah seems to be anxious to fulfil your desires”. There are innumerous instances of muhammad enjoying many privileges and advantages and personal interests compared to his companion, in Quran itself. Wealth looted in Jihad, were devided in a manner, wherby, one-fifth would be muhammads and the rest would be devided amongst the followers.Muhammad's claim was, that, this edict came from Allah. Quran edicts; “And know that anything you obtain of war booty -then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for Messenger and for [his] near relatives and the orphans, the needy and the [stranded] traveller,(Al-Anfal, 8:41). The loot from the defeated in addition to money and valuables, contain other items, like human beings, which was also subject to same regulation.All loot is termed as “Ghanimat” and this barbaric act of robbery was claimed by muhammad to be as permissible under the regulation courriered by Allah. Muhammad, however, was not content with this one-fifth provision! His claim was to enjoy the entire Ghanimat and possess all of it. At the Badr campaign (first jihad of islam and muhammad) muhammad wanted to wolf the entire loot, including the men slaves, the wealth and goods in the caravan. He sermonised to his followers,'all wealth obtained in jihad is owned by Allah and His Rasool. In support of this claim, he reffered to a Wahi, which runs as follows: “They ask you[O Muhammad], about the bounties [of war]. Say, 'The [decision concerning] bounties is for Allah and the Messenger.' So fear Allah and amend that which is between you and obey Allah and His Messenger.”(Al Anfal,8:1).It is not known as to whether they 'feared' Allah, but a rebellion against the Wahi did occur. Immediately, thereafter, a new wahi with modified loot-sharing arrangement was necessarily revealed.

Natural justice and impartial adherence to norms are a precondition to an egalitarian society. Even class devided democratic systems of society are unanimous in advocating establishment of these criteria. But it is uncertain, if Muhammad had in his personal or public life had adhered to this concept. Non-muslims were certainly not on the radar of Muhammad's thought process, he was extremely uncharitable and harsh to them, without exception. But his own kith and kin amongst the non-muslims, his kindness and magnamity was unlimited. Amongst the captives of the Badr campaign, was present “Aash”, muhammad's son in law. Aash had not converted to islam, and was still an idolator. Aash was amongst those, who came to save Abu Sufian, a quoreish leader, as he and his caravan was ambushed by numerically stronger bandit brigade led by Muhammad, in jihad. Muhammad freed some captives, who could pay the ransom, but the poor amongst the captives, incapable of paying the ransom, were not freed. But “Aash”, incapable of paying ransom, was freed with honour. Example abundant of 'egalitarian' propensity of Muhammad. He did not deal with his followers, close and general, with equity and justice at all, either. Islam permits polygamy upto four wives and unlimited sex slaves. But, when Ali, muhammad's son in law expressed a desire to acquire a second spouse, Muhammad opposed violently, and did not dare allow himself the delight during muhammad's life time. After the demise of Muhammad, and Fatima, Ali married nine more. Muhammad's attitude to other women and his behaviour to them has already been discussed. It is apparent, that women have been discriminated against in a limitless way, their honour, rights and privileges have been mercilessly widely robbed, he could not show the least of compassion in this regard. His concern for his daughter, her honour and privileges, however, attracted unusual attention and care and alertness, and as a doting father he was ultra sympathetic and kind. Does one still consider Islam as a precursor of an egalitarian society? The Muslims are still led to believe so, and a section of non-muslim population appear to consider such a wrong concept. This assertion is false, chimeral and misleading. This wrong thesis, has brought no benefit to the muslims, conversely, has harmed the muslim society. Consideration from a free thought-free mind, and an unbiased study of life and times of Muhammad will vindicate the fact, that, an intrusive details study of Islam, will not bring out an iota of egalitarianism in Islam, or a semblance of egalitarian philosophy. In reality evidences abound of disequality,discrimination,devisiveness and biased behaviour.

KARBALA: Truth and Lies

  KARBALA : Truth and Lies           GIASUDDIN                 Translated by SRIJIB BISWAS        ...